Sunday, 10 April 2022

Spuds, spuds and more spuds

    What can I say? Lot of time dodging rain showers planting the Aoluette second early potatoes. Almost done. I have about a dozen seed potatoes to plant and then its on to the main crop, Desiree. 

   Some carrots dug up. There still are some more but they are showing signs of starting to grow. More forking and weeding of the major plot that the main crop potatoes will go in,however, I have been reading about another method of no dig to plant potatoes in. It involves a lot hay which as it happens I have a lot of. So todays thinking is to try this method out and see what results I get. Seed sowing has started with some 18Jour radish sown in the poly tunnel and mixed sweet peppers and tomatoes sown into propagator modules. No sign of germination with the tomato seed sown in seed trays in the fleece clouche in the poly tunnel. 

   The weather has been awful at times with high winds and torrential rain. Much to my surprise the ground has been workable (Well, mostly. Found a bit that was pretty much liquid mud!). Also some frost just to let me know that winter is not quite out but the general temperature is on the rise!

   Chickens are being chickens and being a menace scratching around wherever I dig or fork. The broody hen is still sticking to her eggs despite loosing the first batch. 5.29 daily average this last week. 

Never ending forking and weeding

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