Sunday, 17 April 2022

Busy busy busy

    The weather has been good with sunshine and the temperature getting to 20C. Off course this means three things. 1. The grass grows rapidly, 2. the weeds grow rapidly, 3. there is a hurry to get stuff into the warming up ground! So, grass mowing, forking and weeding and sowing/planting has been the order of the week.

   I have weeded my small asparagus bed but I fear that the crowns have died. No sign of asparagus yet and I would have expected to see some by now. One never knows and maybe there might be a crown or two still alive. Most of the seed potatoes are now planted with just a handful to find a space somewhere. Being inspired by a reply to a post in the Gardening in France group on Facebook I have constructed a Stout bed and planted with Desiree potatoes. I happened to have a lot of hay which is only good for mulching. A Stout bed is just another form of a no dig bed just happened to be made up of hay although one can add other organic matter. The bed is a foot high and the potatoes are planted on top of an eight inch layer of hay and another four inches of hay put on top of them. I was not aware that we only plant potatoes in trenches to stop them from going green.

Stout bed

     My first row of Touchon carrots are up and I have sown row number two. Onions and shallots are growing well along with broad beans which have flowers on them. I bought another lot of early lettuce plants and have planted some in my new no dig bed outside the poly tunnel. Taking a chance as there could still be frosts till the middle of May but these are spring lettuce so will be a little hardier. 

    No doubt the grass will need mowing again before the week is out but I have a bonfire to light and deal with and there are seeds that I need to sow. It will no doubt, weather permitting, be another busy week ahead.

   I lost one of my cockerals this week to probably a fox so that just leaves one. Daily average of 5.28 eggs this week in line with last weeks total. I have eleven hens but only five or six eggs a day? Umm. 

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