So here we are in the middle of January. Time to start thinking about sowing some tomato and this year onion seeds and getting ready for the mad rush of sowing other stuff in a few weeks time. I have started to tidy up my poly tunnel which I must admit I have long neglected and now requires some major clean up to be done. There are over wintered beetroot plants in there and I am hoping that they will survive so that I can get an early crop sown. I had a few leek plants left over from last autumn just heeled in a poly tunnel bed and have now transplanted them amongst my over winter beetroot. I would be happy just to get a few small ones. The poly tunnel fleece is now set up in anticipation of things to come soon. I am also trying to get on with my bulb bank but I do not like working in the cold to be honest but little by little it will get done. A sign that spring is just around the corner. I noticed that my rosemary is all but in flower. Time to take some cuttings! Oh well, nice to be busy! Soon need to go look for seed potatoes and I will be once more looking for a different early and second early potato to plant. Some of the foliage of these potatoes are quite delightful. In the garden the purple sprouting is close to showing its colour and over this winter I have actually managed to pick a reasonable amount of Brussel sprouts. The swede are still in the ground but there are a few that will be worth eating. The leeks have been poor again this winter and I am starting to think why bother?
The chickens are being chickens and are very interested in the seed and pieces of fat that fall from the bird feeders. I am a little concerned about two of them. One has been having issues with a leg for a while now although I think she is getting better. The other is an elderly hen who I think is having balance issues. I will be watching them both.
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