Typical weather for the time of year in this neck of the woods. The week started off dry and on the mild side ending up with it very wet and cold with frost!
The milder drier conditions enable me to get out and about and start doing something about my herb beds. They had become very overgrown mainly with grass but also with herbs that to be honest were well past their best. Old thyme plants removed from one bed and mint roots from another. You can bet your bottom dollar the mint will be back! Cuttings taken from my old and well established rosemary tree which really ought to come out now and some planted in a pot in the poly tunnel and some just thrust into the ground where I had cleared the bed. There was a small rosemary, which I believe was from last year cuttings that I transplanted into a new place with the hope it will become the mamma rosemary bush and I can remove my old bush. I have created a new small bed for mugwort (wormwood, artemisia vulgaris - there are many other varities!) and sowed some seed I had. Cleared the wode bed of weeds which will allow the wode plants to thrive (I hope!). In the poly tunnel once more I am trying to grow coriander with more success than I have had before. 2020 seed sown. Yes it is early but experience tells me if I leave it till it gets warmer the seeds will just germinate and the plants bolt to seed. More sprouts picked but no purple sprouting yet. Getting close!
Nothing new on the chicken front. No increase in egg laying which is fine by me.
Everything is now dependant of the weather and the outlook is for cold and wet. I need to resist sowing in the poly tunnel even though it is mild in there. I will wait till February before sowing some tomato seed which I keep in the house to try to germinate. As ususal the first seeds to be sown in the poly tunnel will be lettuce and radish but that is still a few weeks away!
Marjoram and the lone Rosemary |
Old mint and oregano bed |
Garlic bed |
Forking and weeding a seed bed |
Forking and weeding with some helpers |
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