Sunday, 22 November 2020

Creating the bulb bed

     Should I have started doing this I wonder to myself? The bank I cleared of brambles is now being turned into an area to allow me to plant bulbs. Nice idea. Outside the front of the house will look very pretty come spring, however, (always a however) once I started work I did begin to think ths is a silly idea! I uncovered a fallen wall and have been removing stones ever since! Been at it for four days (well, no whole days) and still probably two days (four to six hours) still to go! Man!

After Day 4

After Day 1

    So what else has been going on? In my enthusiasm and having discovered under the brambles a forgotten cut down tree (smallish one I hasten to add) I have created another Huglekultur bed. Photos below. The over winder broad beans are now showing so thats good! Chickens are being chickens and it looks like they are starting to lay a little better. Getting four eggs almost every other day now. I do not expect things to get better until the days get longer.

Huglekultur bed being filled
Completed Huglekultur bed

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