The weather continues to be kind. Mild, bit of sun, no rain. Ideal for working out in the garden. So I have undertaken to reclaim the bank that is just outside the front of my house. Over the last couple of years it has been left to do its own thing that being growing brambles! One or two reasonable pickings of black berries ensued but really why did I let them get out of control? Anyway the last week has been spent making good use of a pair of secateurs, a heavy duty hoe, fork and barrow!
Almost the END! |
The last of the outdoor lettuce has been pulled. Once again I planted out plants with the hope that they might do something and again I have been surprised that the chance I took paid off. The weather has been mild to date with only one or two frosts and those not severe. Anyway all spring/summer vegetables are now picked or pulled and cleared. Only winter stuff in the ground now...leeks, sprouts, purple sprouting, swede.
The chickens are being chickens at this time of year and are not laying well. They do not like short days of daylight. Of course it also did not help that most went into moult too! Hopefully in the not too distant future I will be saying that I have too many eggs!
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