My local argricultural merchant who usually has garlic bulbs left over has this year sold out! I am hoping with fingers crossed they they get some more in. Still a couple of weeks left to get some planted so I will wait but will plant some of last years just in case. I have found that previouis years bulbs do not do as well but hey at the end of the day beggers cannot be choosers!
So that have I been upto this last week? Pulled a couple of Batavia Blonde lettuce which despite all have done well. I still have a few in the ground but they need eating up really! Lettuce soup? I have decided that my lavender bushes are no longer fit for purpose and I have cut them down with the intend of digging up the bushes and reverting the bed back to vegetable growing, probably pototoes next year. As always some forking and weeding which allowed me to remove "rogue" onions from another bed. These were ones from last winters experiment of growing onions over winter which I decided was not a particular success. They must have been small ones that I missed when harvesting the others! Oh well half a dozen onions to over winter. Why not? In the poly tunnel my bed of Champeau Sanquine beetroot (Champeau because they are seed gathered in my garden and not bought) has decided to germinate! Man! So I am transplanting them within the poly tunnel which is currently pretty much empty. They will tolerate low temperatures and given a bit of protection from the elements I should get a decent crop of beetroot next spring. My small no dig bed of strawberries is looking good and I even picked one strawberry! Ha! I had feared that my moss curled parsley bed would not be any good this year but I have been proven wrong. The plants have survived and are thriving. On the 31st October I am still mowing the grass! Out and about on the ride on mowing away. Will it be the last cut of the year? Probably not if it stays mild.
Chickens are being chickens and at this time of year the number of eggs I am getting every day is low. Some are in moult and others I think have decided that the short amount of daylight is enough to put them off! Of course some are still youngsters and I have found with the hens that are more of a pure breed they do not come into lay until quite a bit later than what one would expect (usually around sixteen weeks). Oh well next spring I will be writing that I have so many eggs I will not know what to do with them!
Moss curled parsly patch
Full moon on Halloween 311020 |