Potato planting. This plot is main crop DESIREE
Well between dodging tempest and chickens I have been planting my potatoes over the last week. Varieties I am growing this year are early NICOLA, second early RIKEA neither of which I have sown before and main crop DESIREE. I have also sowed a row of early peas. This variety of pea I have overwintered in the poly tunnel and tried to grow outside over winter. Poly tunnel sowing is very successful, outside was good until the pigeons found them after the wind blew off the netting. So I am hopeful for an early harvest of peas. Sprouts, cabbage, sweet peppers, aubergines and Tyme de Provence has all been sown and placed in the poly tunnel fleece cloche. Tomatoes, cabbage, thyme and beetroot have all already germinated.
All quiet on the animal front. The chickens egg laying seems to be picking up and the rams are more or less behaving themselves.
The weather has not been very kind. Mild but rain and rain showers have kept me off the garden. There is plenty to do and time is marching on.
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