As seems to happen here is la Creuse winter has switched into spring within a few days. The days are longer and warmer. Of course, there is still a threat of frost up until the middle of May but every day brings that month closer and lessens the change of a prolonged cold spell.
So with the milder weather I have taken the plunge and sowed my parsnips under cloches. I learnt that parsnips will germinate at two degrees centigrade. I do like to sow them early and give them the maximum amount of time. Last lot of onion sets planted, a variety called Sturon. I have grown them before and I am hopeful that they will be a larger onion but who knows? Tomato seed sown. Seven varieties. Lettuce sown. Moss curled parsley sown and a hot pepper. The hot pepper, purple Tiger, I have brought into the house to germinate as they require a much higher temperature. Dug up carrots, parsnips, swede and leeks. Cut cabbage. The winter vegetables are now coming to an end.
On the animal front the hens are laying 2 to 4 a day. I discovered that one of our Buff Orpingtons is a coq! So now the decision has to be made as to which one gets the chop! The buff Orpington or Ixworth coq? My bet is on the Ixworth as I am convinced he is infertile. The sheep are being sheep. I have had some interesting episodes with escaping rams. I think there will be one or two late summer lambs. The female duck has not yet started to lay but it cannot be long.
So onward with the garden. Lots to do and fingers crossed it does not rain!
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