Saturday, 16 April 2016

Every blooming year!

   This blog covers two weeks. I took myself off to the UK for a week to see family, friends and visit my wife's grave (40 year wedding anniversary while I was in the UK). Before I went all looked reasonable in the garden and finished planting potatoes and helped my grandson plant his. Pulled some turnip/swede and transplanted Ethel Watkins Best tomatoes into pots.
Twin lambs, ewe and ram
I return from the UK and all you know what has happened. Grass up around my ankles and cherry blossom out! So the first job was mow the grass. It took me a day and a half. I managed to get it done before it rained thank goodness. Then twin lambs were born. Mother rejected the youngest and we are now bottle feeding it. Next day another lamb arrived, a ewe.
   Anyway, onward with the garden. More rain. The potatoes are up but I am unable to earth them up because the soil is too wet! Sowed more radish, common basil, lemon basil, sweet genovese basil (Uncle Tom Cobberly basil..) and Giant Prague celeriac. Also I transplanted more Ethel Watkins Best and First Poly tunnel Money Maker tomatoes. There are now seventy transplanted to pots tomato plants with lots more to come! First lot of Iceberg lettuce has been transplanted again in the poly tunnel as it really is too wet in the outside garden. In the outside garden the garlic, onions, tree onions, parsnips and shallots are growing away quite happily despite the rain. The average air temperature is now around 10C day and night hence the mad burst of growing going on.  Hopefully it will stay there. Could do without so much rain. It has been a mild and wet winter with a mild and wet spring. Hopefully summer will bring some sunshine!

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