And yet another one!
Ewe lamb |
Usually I leave writing about our animals to the end but this week the sheep take first place. As I write this blog we have had now had twin lambs and three singletons. One of the twins we have had to take in and we continue to bottle feed. All are thriving. The female duck continues to lay an egg day and the chickens are laying well, in fact, we have so many eggs we are struggling to keep up consumption with production!
Ewe lamb |
In the garden the grass grows well, darn it. Once more I have mowed grass. The first sowing of Touchon carrots has been made, more in hope than anything else as the soil is wet and a little cold. I have now sowed various varities of sweet peppers, apple cucumber, jalapeno peppers, celeriac and bunching onions. I have never had real success with spring onions. In five seasons here at Champeau I have had one year of success and that was when I over wintered White Lisbon. French spring type onions have been abysmal so this year I am trying bunching onions. Like chives they grow as a bunch which can be split up. You eat the whole onion like a spring onion. Time will tell!
In the poly tunnel the successive sowing of radish continues to do well and I am pulling bunches of nice sized radishes. More Little Gem lettuce has been transplanted and few of the first lot to be transplanted are well established and growing well. Tomato plants are thriving and my five volunteer tomato plants are almost ready to be transplanted into the large bed of the poly tunnel. I have no idea as to what variety they are.
Ewe lamb |
In the outside garden the potatoes are up and I am busy going around covering them up. There can still be frosts up to the middle of May. Onions, shallots and garlic all still thriving. Oh the asparagus is up and that reminds me I need to go and cut some for breakfast.
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