Sunday, 31 October 2021

Eggs? What eggs?

    The main topic this last week has been the lack of eggs! A week of no eggs. I had to buy some. That is no joke! The weather has been mild with some sun. Only one morning of frost.

    The last of the tomatoes have been picked and despite the blight the overall crop has been ok. Would have been a lot better if there had not been blight but least I got some! Picked the last of the Hot Stuff chilli's which now just leaves a couple of Scotch Bonnet plants with a few fruits on them (yes, I was surprised to read that chilli peppers are fruits). Of course grass cut, mainly to clear up leaves. Lot easier than raking! Lol! Cabbage and cauliflower cut, BF-15 potatoes lifted. Only a few haricot vert left drying in my porch which I doubt will now dry successfully which will be turned into baked beans! In my brassica patch I deliberately left the cabbage plants once I had cut the main cabbage. The plant then throws up mini cabbages so you get a bonus! In our local market they were selling these for thirty cents! (25p).

    So the main task this last week has been to attack the plague of rats. I need a pied piper! I have cleaned out the chicken coop and applied the necessary stuff repeatedly but there are lots of them. Going take a few applications methinks.

Brassica patch

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