The weather has been reasonable this week. Some wind, showers and dry periods. I have been able to get out into the garden and I have worked in the poly tunnel and outside. Re-sowing has been pretty much the order of the day. In the poly tunnel Early Purple sprouting, Kohl Rabi, Rooderf and Evesham special Brussels sprouts and Greyhound cabbage sowed. In modules I have sowed Champion Red Top Swede and Di Jesi cauliflower. Also I sowed Loofah seeds in large pots (first time for these!) and transplanted some Auroa bush, Jens Orange/Noir Crimee tomatoes, mixed basil and 5 Dessert melon to pots. Out side I weeded the Touchon carrots which at last are germinating so I sowed a succession row. One never knows one year this may work! Auroa bush tomatoes were transplanted from pots to the small Hugelkultur bed more to see how they do than anything else. The area for the sweet corn seedlings has been forked, weeded and raked and seedlings transplanted while dodging rain showers! Oh did I not mention mowing the grass? On the chicken front I am sorry to have to report that the broody hen and her ten eggs were taken by probably a fox during the week. What surprised me was that the critter took the eggs and not a sign of a shell or their contents. Other than that life for the chickens continues as usual with an average of 5.71 eggs laid per day this week. More than we can cope with!
Great Lakes lettuce in the poly tunnel |
Seedling and transplanted plants in the poly tunnel fleece clouche |
Broad beans |
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