Autumn is getting itself established! The wood burner has been lit several times now and the weather is settling down to periods of showers and colder average temperatures. There is the odd day of warmth, one day this week it went up to 18 degrees centigrade, but mostly the day time temperatures are around 10 to 12 degress. The lower temperatures and damper conditions do please the winter crops. The Brussels sprouts, the early purple sprouting, the swedes and leeks are all now looking good much to my pleasure and delight after a period of heat and drought that made me think I was going to loose the lot! Also the cooler weather over the last couple of weeks has allowed more tomatoes to ripen and I have harvested more than I thought I would. Also much to my surpise I have been able to pull some outdoor lettuce that has survived the drought. They are small but are edible. So as always lots of jobs to do which probably will not get done and it is getting close to the time to consider planting out the garlic. Chickens are mostly in moult so egg laying is down but enough are being laid for my consumtion.
Brussels Sprout plant |
Winter brassica bed |
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