Some relief in the hot weather. Rain has arrived. Not a massive emount but at least it is cooler. There is cloud cover and since the down pour some showers. Every drop helps. Certainly it is noticable that plants have perked up. Will it be too little too late? Time will tell.
Blacktail Mountain water melon
So what has been going on over the last week. Looking back at the log not a lot it would seem. Gathered some beetroot seed, cut a very sorry looking cabbage and finished digging up the Dolween potatoes. Big job to do now is to harvest the Desiree potatoes for winter storage. Desiree potatoes in the poly tunnel dug up. A very good crop of large and clean potatoes. I will certainly be planting some in the poly tunnel next year. Cucumbers have stopped for now but hopefully there will be few more. Onions are now all out of the ground and are hanging up drying off before being put into winter storage. The tomatoes are doing ok, Gardeners Delight and Jens Orange are doing very well this year. Champeau Sanquine beetroot sown in the poly tunnel in an effort to get some beetroot. The chickens destroyed the ones I have planted and sown outside the poly tunnel. The chickens have really taken a fancy to the Noire Crimee which is a shame because they are the nicest! The chickens seem to get confused by the orange colour of the tomatoes and leave them alone. More haricot vert sown in the effort to get a late autumn crop. On the chicken front all is good. Getting close to the time to cull some and put them in the freezer. Mrs Buffycross and her six chicks continue to survive!! Spoke too soon. Three killed by I believe Barny dog. Egg production is poor, generally two or three a day. I put it down to the hot weather.
So as always plenty to do!
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