Sunday, 10 May 2020

Busy busy busy.....

     New arrivals at Watermeadows! Nine chicks have been hatched either by our hen Mrs Buffycross or in the incubator. Mum and chicks doing fine!
     It has been a busy week. I am usually wary of planting out until the middle of May which is when the last frost date is for the area I live, however, it has been mild and sunny with showers and the forecast for the next week is for it to continue to do so. A little risk maybe but I think only a very very small one that there might be a frost. 
    So what has been planted out? A old favourite of mine - Greyhound cabbage. This is a pointy summer cabbage that I have grown successfully over the years and have decided to give it a go here in France. I have transplanted tomatoes to an outside (the poly tunnel) beds. Varieties (all Champeau seed!) Jens Orange, Gardeners Delight, Crimea Noiree, Potiron Ecarlate, Noire Crimee). In the poly tunnel a couple of unkown tomatoes types and Great Lakes lettuce. Seedlings are coming along nicely. A number of sweet corn seedlings have been move outside in a sweet corn bed. Half of it is sown seed and the other half will be seed germinated and grown in the poly tunnel. In theory the sown seed should catch up with the transplanted plants! I have noticed the early potatoes in the poly tunnel are very close to flowering. I am still harvesting lettuce and radish from the poly tunnel and broad beans outside although they are starting to come to an end now.
  Other jobs? Well, weeding, mowing grass and I have finally lit my bonfire! Plenty to do and lots of plants to set out.


Transplanted tomatoes
Preparing to transplant tomatoes

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