Sunday, 16 February 2020

Yes or no or hold on a bit...

    The weather continues to be mild and even warm at times! Not that unusual for this time of year and makes for wanting to get on with stuff and yet one needs to be cautious as in this part of the world last frost date is the middle of May! I spotted bees busy around what I thought was a dead colony bee hive. Maybe they are ok? Time will tell. I have been preparing my large poly tunnel bed which has require forking and watering, forking and watering several times to make sure the soil is damp and while there is plenty of water and the threat of more to come it is a good time to do it. Thre is a few lettuce in the poly tunnel that have survived the winter and I am hopeful that they will produce some early lettuce. Experience has shown that lettuce do well in the poly tunnel at the start of the season Once it gets too warm it is time to move outside! I have recovered a small vegetable bed that had been left more because I was not one hundred percent well than anything else but now it is done and waiting to be planted up with first early potatoes. More weeding (does it never end?) and more thoughtful processes being made as to what needs to be planted where and in the mean time there is purple sprouting, leeks, parsnips, onions (stored), potatoes (stored), and winter squash (stored) to be consumed! There is only one of me! Going to have to turn vegetarian for a while methinks! LOL! 
     Also added to the food pile are hens eggs! My two flocks of hens are still producing upto ten eggs a day! One flock of nine birds and one flock of seven birds (one cockeral in each flock) with one bird trying to act as if she is broody but is not laying on any eggs at all! I do not think I am going to starve.
Working on the second bed

Second bed is ready

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