Thursday, 28 March 2019


    It has not rained all week. Ok, that has done it. Anyway no rain means time to get busy! Priority was to get the potatoes in. Earlie's, second earlie's and main crop. Mission 
accomplished! All seed potatoes planted despite the efforts of the chickens to dig them up once sown! Varieties - a popular french early variety, ANOE, second early my favourite, Belle de Fontenay and main crop, another favourite of mine, DESIREE. My tomato seed germination so far is proving to be very poor. Typical. As for cabbage? I am off to the market to buy plants.
Digging potato trenches
   The parsnip seed have done nothing so I have resown. The seed must be good because another person I gave some to have had success in germinating them! Also transplanted some self seeded parsnip seedlings in more of an experiment than any hope of them taking.  I have sown the first lot of mang tout. That annual chore of grass cutting has started. First crop of the year....18Jour radish! Pulled a few from the poly tunnel. Last year more out of a casual hope that any feeling of sucess I took some rosemary cuttings. Of course, sods law, they all took! I have,oh twenty four, very healthly looking rosemary cuttings. Transplanted four to one of the herb beds and four to pots to give away.
   On the animal front there has been a change of the guard with the chickens. Poor old Bonaparte got way laid by my daughters cat and was out of action for a couple of hours. I thought I had lost him but he recovered, however, in the time he was out of circulation Mr. Chick made his move and is now top coq. I found them fighting the next day, neck feathers up and really going for it but Mr. Chick was not giving his ground and now Bonaparte is the outcast. Sheep are being sheep enjoying the spring sunshine and newly growing grass.
  So at last it is  go go go and I need to get on before everything overtakes me which it will do if I do not persist!

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