Saturday, 24 November 2018


   The weather has been mixed. Few days of frost in the mornings followed by cloudy and mild days. I guess winter is starting to take hold but it is taking its time.
   One of the joys this autumn and early winter has being able to pick ripe tomatoes from the poly tunnel in November!  I have managed to pick more Champeau Gardeners Delight (Champeau Gardeners Delight because the plants were grown from seed gathered within my garden rather than bought from a seed merchant) and they have been very tasty too! Note to self plant poly tunnel tomatoes later! They are now though finished. Two harsh frosts did them in and they plus some chili's that were just there in case they might produce have been removed. The poly tunnel is now pretty much empty, just some Sanguine beetroot that is looking quite good! I am wondering whether or not to plant some broad beans in the poly tunnel and maybe some peas. I got a few pickings of early peas this season from ones I sowed in the poly tunnel. Maybe a little more thought as to how I plant them, that is, in proper rows rather than scattered! Found two reasonable sized parsnips for one of my dinners. Least the voles have left one or two for me! All the outside beetroot have been harvested. A poor crop but hey something is better than nothing. I am very pleased to have pruned my apple trees, well at least what I call the "new" ones. They are over seven years old and produced well this year. This is the first time I have pruned them. Do or die? I will see. I have started to clear brambles with every intention of dealing them a knock out blow but it will depend on the weather. Rain is forecast. Course it is.
   On the animal front the chickens continue to lay two a day but having said that today (24/11) I got three! Maybe we are turning a corner here? One of the light Sussex is in moult and the poor girl looks very feather bare. Sheep are fine.
   I had a request for some horse radish seed and root. The root I dug up was a little large so I made a jar of horse radish sauce and put it under the stairs with the pickles. Waste not want not, worth a go!

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