Monday, 21 May 2018

Planting out continues apace!

   Here we are now into the middle of May and sowing and transplanting starts to warm up along with the weather. One hundred and three tomato plants of various sorts have been transplanted outside the poly tunnel. I am not going to grown tomatoes in the poly tunnel this year. More Provence Thyme transplanted to pots. Courgettes, round and stripy ones also planted out.  Lots of general tidying up work done in an attempt to beat the grass! Some hope! More beetroot sown in modules and more lettuce. Lettuce being pulled on a regular basis. The area designated for the pumpkins and squash is being prepared and I need to get the poly tunnel area ready for the cucumber plants!
   On the animal front the missing generic red hen reappeared, safe and sound. We now only have two Ixworth chicks left. We have little idea as to why they have died but fatality amongst chicken chicks can be quite high. The reduction in the Champeau flock continues. Only three rams left with one about to go soon. On the ewe side only ten left, two more also about to go. Once that has happened our flock will be down to a level that is more suitable for our requirements!

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