What can I say? The week has gone by and to me it seems I have done in the garden. It has been wet and the odd morning of frost but really the weather should not have stopped me getting on with stuff! We even had a sprinkling of snow. There were a so some late migrating Gru (Common Crane) that flew over. Guess the wind has been in the wrong direction for them. Mind you short days do not help in the slightest! Hey ho. The branches of the pine tree have now been cleared and a bonfire is waiting to be lit. Needs to be dry though. I continue to pull carrots and swede, cut cabbage and dig up leeks. Much to my surprise the peas I sowed which are now about two/three inches high are surviving the frosts. Goodness knows if they will get through the winter. There has been more going on on the animal front than the garden front.
One of the hens has died, the only Rhode Island red. No obvious reason. I am now having to feed the rams hay as they have managed to eat down the grass. I need to get rid of some of them.
Christmas is just around the corner and we will have Champeau veg with our turkey crown without doubt. Sprouts, parsnip, potatoes all home grown.
I have now started to think about next years seed sowing. The online catalogues of both my favourite seed merchants are now available so I need to put some serious thought into what I may plant and sow next year.
First snow of winter |
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