Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes

   The weather has been a bit of a mixed bag over the last ten days. One day showers, one day sunshine, one day cloud and an odd thunder storm! A whole mixture. Mind you the garden likes it particularly as I have just planted out Champion Red Top swede and Sanguine beetroot. They need a few days of cool weather to get themselves established.
   What has been exciting in the garden this week? Water melon! Picked and eaten the first couple of water melons. They are always a exciting crop and for once we ate one on a hot and humid day! Yum! Other produce beside tomatoes of all types (Gardeners Delight, Ukraine purple, French heritage, Jens orange) have been round courgettes, Touchon carrots (love them Touchon carrots such a nice sweet flavour), beetroot, Marketmore cucumbers, the last of the outside Wautoma cucumbers and the last of the Belle de Fontenay potatoes. This variety of potato has been quite a light crop. Seem to remember this happening in previous years. In the squash bed the spaghetti plants are showing signs of autumn and the butternut squash is turning that corn like colour. A good crop of butternut Waltham butternut squash this year. They are a good size and they even look like a butternut squash. Strange thing to say but often I get ones that do not look like butternut squash at all! The sweet peppers and chili's are now coming into their own. The cooler weather will also suit them at this time but a little sunshine very soon would be nice. That would ripen them up beautifully. Still 5 dessert melons to come and there are still a few water melons. Haricot vert have been a disappointment this year. Note to self. Try a different seed merchants varieties.
   Tidying up and weeding continues as produce is removed. There are some spaces now so I am thinking of getting more winter leeks. The winter produce, white cabbage, savoy cabbage, sprouts, carrots, leeks are doing well. There could be sprouts in September! Looking a little ahead a major job to do is to dig up the Desiree potatoes. They still have green tops and I am reluctant to dig them up until the tops have died.
   So lots to do and the autumn is coming on fast. 
Champion Red Top Swede

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