Sunday, 28 August 2016

Brown grass and dry soil

Brown grass
   So where is the rain? No where to be seen. It continues to be dry and the fields are now brown and parched. The sheep are finding it hard to find forage and I am now starting to give them some hay. The ducks are fine and the chickens are trying to find any green stuff they can. They love the sweet pepper leaves and make a real effort to break into the area where they are growing. There are not many leaves left on them now! The chicks are now nearly eight weeks old and being on the small side they are sneaking into places I would rather they did not.
   In the outside garden watering is a priority to keep plants alive let alone trying to get them to grow. The main tomato patch is an area of desert with few tomatoes and no healthy plants at all. Even so I am picking a few tomatoes. I have a little patch of six noire crimee tomatoes that I have been looking after and they have a good crop of good sized tomatoes on them. The chickens, I am sure, are eyeing them up! Courgettes continue to crop well and the squash is looking good. They too are being watered every day. Just a very small patch of potatoes left to dig up and that will be the end of the potato crop. Not the best this year but reasonable. Outside cucumbers are now finished. I have started to pull up carrots and they are really good. A home grown carrot really does taste good. Rats have destroyed my "animal" sweetcorn, not a great loss as far as I am concerned. I have just started to water the Bantam sweet corn in an effort to get something out of it. The haricot buerre are in flower and I am hopeful for a reasonable late crop of yellow haricots. In the poly tunnel Wautoma cucumbers are finished and the Chrystal Apple cucumbers are producing well but are coming to an end. The tomatoes despite blight are managing to produce a reasonable amount of fruit. I picked the first Jalapeno peppers and the feedback is that they are HOT!  Have to laugh. All the melons have now been picked and are being eagerly consumed in this hot weather. There is a growing number of empty beds.
  Autumn and winter crops are looking very sad. Cauliflowers and leeks are stunted. The cabbage is growing but looks like it could do with a good soaking of rain to green up the leaves. No sign of turnips yet. I am hoping for some rain but the forecast is not looking good. It will get cooler but no significant rainfall.

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