Of course there was the compulsory grass cutting, edge of bed cutting and weeding! Gaps in the bolotti beans and coupion french dwarf beans were sown with more seed. There has been a fair number of bean type seed that have not germinated this year probably I think due to the cold wet earth more than anything but some have been taken by slugs. I think I need to replace my bean seeds with fresh ones. Another section of garden bed sow with haricot vert. My daughter said grown more beans this year. Ha! If only she realised what she is going to get!
My feathered friends (not!) the chickens have discovered my beetroot and have eaten every single leaf. You just would not believe it! I am going to have to keep any more I sow covered up.
On the animal front my daughters adopted chicken, Henri-etta, was killed by a neighbours dog. She had wandered into their garden and the dog was an ex-hunting dog and was only following its instincts. Still, upsetting. Sheep shearing season has started with six rams done to date. Only eleven ewes to do! I cannot remember if I mentioned it before but one of our chickens has gone broody and has now been sitting on what may be fertile eggs for some ten days. Time will tell.
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Sheared Rams |
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