In the outside garden the watermelons are now all picked, the brambly apples are now all picked (trying to get a few before the insects do), buttercup squash has been cut, more haricot vert picked, more troubadour melons cut. There are only a couple of these melons left now. Finally I have managed to get some Champion of England peas to grow to the point of producing peas. A real effort of love I can tell you.
In the poly tunnel the cauliflower has settled in well. The cucumbers are all but over and the tomatoes have now been removed. A few sweet peppers are being picked and the beetroot looks like it might do something. The basil is probably now past its best. The chili's continue to produce chili's and they are turning red.
On the animal front three meat chickens are now in the freezer. Three to go. The sheep are ok but are on pasture that has not seen serious rain for weeks. The geese are managing ok but even their patch of ground is starting to look bare. The hens have been sentenced to three days behind doors due to them not laying in the coop. Found over twenty eggs in a nest outside the coop. I suspect it is something do one of the Limousines who just will not give up being broody!
You know autumn has arrived when the wood man calls. The wood has been delivered and stacked. A two day job of huff and puff. It heralds cooler days and nights.

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