A little more activity
The weather continues to play its tricks. The ground was just about workable and yes it rained again. Heavy rain which meant once more the soil became waterlogged soil. Hey ho!

A little work done. I have added leeks (Gras Long d'Ete), aubergines (De Barbentine, Halflange Violette) and Roma VF tomatoes to the sown seed collection in the poly tunnel fleece cloche. Onion and shallot sets have been purchased and I wait for more drier conditions before planting them. I ought to have parsnips in by now but really the ground is so wet the seed would not germinate and parsnip is a poor seed to germinate at the best of times. A row of radish (18 jours race Velox) has been sown in the poly tunnel along side the row that I am now starting to pull. Just a few but hey a few is better than none! I have noticed that the lettuce I sowed on the 30th January is starting to show. Out in the garden the comfrey bed has been tidied up much to the delight of the chickens. I have also weeded the asparagus bed in anticipation! Asparagus does not like to be amongst weeds. I am looking forward to a few drier days!
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