Monday, 10 November 2014

So why so little done!

   So why is it that NOTHING has been done in the last week? Weather turned wet and so I guess that stopped the outside jobs and the poly tunnel is as up to date as I can get it. I also had to spend time with my youngest daughter helping her out in the UK so that took up most of the week. I have looked at my garden log and there is only two days where I have put an entry and they were not related to the garden. I am also reluctant to fork more ground because as soon as I do the chickens move in and just flatten the ground. Better to leave it alone and then they give up when then cannot scratch it. So, what was it I entered into the log but was not related to the garden? "British pub pickled eggs", that is what! They did not take long to do. Guess I was busy with domestic stuff. Well this week has started off sunny and looks like it is going to be so all week so hopefully the grass will be dry enough for me to mow it, hopefully, only one more time.

Weeded bulb bed

Broad beans growing away!

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