Thursday, 16 January 2014

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Whoa not so fast!

   As long as the weather holds there is plenty to do outside. Christmas and New Year is now behind me and the excess of food and drink almost forgotten. 
Plot in process of being expanded
Two plots forked, weeded and expanded
 The weather has cooperated for a change and there have been several days of no rain but sunshine and warmth. This has allowed me to get on with forking and weeding a couple of plots that had tomatoes planted in them but have not been touched since clearing the plants back in September. I took the opportunity to expand these plots by a foot or so on the length to enable me to plant another row of whatever!  The year has begun with the sowing of Sturon and Yellow Rynsburger onions in seed trays and modules. Much to my surprise after four days up popped onion seedlings! They are now growing away quite happily. My tree onion sets have also sprouted. I am holding off sowing tomato seeds but they will need to go in soon.
Sturon and Yellow Rynsburger onions
   In the poly tunnel the promising cauliflowers were badly affected by the damp and resulting mould and have been removed. Mould has been a real problem in the poly tunnel this last season a result of the very wet weather.
   In the store room I have sorted the apples and there are still plenty there. Butternut and blue banana squash are surviving well. The yellow Rynsburger onions are keeping well and living up to what it said on the seed packet that they are good store onions. I still have plenty of home grown garlic left.
  With the few days (really a few hours per day!) of relative sun I have also been able to finally prune my red apple tree. A  lot of wood came out of the tree and at last light, air and sunshine will be able to get to the centre. Knowing my luck I will have killed it off! The chickens have been their usual annoying selves and have enjoyed scratching in the forked earth. 

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