Sunday, 17 March 2013

Paaah! Spoke to soon.

   So, where did the mild weather go? It has turned cold, frosty and wet again and the inevitable loss of plants. I have lost about half of my Latah tomato's and most of the Coeur de Boeuf which is darn right annoying. I have resown the Coeur de Boeuf but I do not have anymore Latah. They were seed bought from the Reel Seed Catalogue and doing what it said on the packet - growing fast. For whatever reason the poly tunnel cloche fleece is not doing the same job as it did this time last year. Maybe it is to do with the damp rather than the temperature or perhaps a combination of both. Cauliflower seedlings are growing well, lettuce seedlings are looking good  and I have sown Chou Rouge (red cabbage) for next winter. One year I will get these to grow into reasonable cabbages. More onion seed planted. This time a french variety called Paille de Vertus (Straw of Virtue) which is supposed to be a good storing onion. The poly tunnel I believe is on average cooler and certainly I am noticing more frequent below freezing temperatures within the tunnel. Hey ho I struggle on and surely it can only get warmer!
  Outside I have sown Tender and True parsnips. A row of older seed and a row of newly  bought seed in the hope that one or the other will germinate. We missed parsnips this winter and I am determined to get some going this season. The effort to clear weeds goes on and beds have been gently forked and weeded. Still some to do but I need it to stop raining! 
  I have just read a gardening article in a local free paper. The writer advises planting garlic and onions amongst the strawberry plants to improve their health. Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained! I have some onion sets left and some  garlic so I will give it a go and see what happens! The rhubarb is going well and I have it covered up to protect it from the frost. I need some chimney pots to force the rhubarb! I left those I had back in the U.K and now wish I had not!
  Ending with a happy note our sheep have started to drop their lambs. Two born so far without any problem.
Watermeadows new born lamb


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