Saturday, 30 June 2012

Veggies and yet more veggies....

  The amount of produce becoming available is becoming more that we can eat! Cauliflowers, cucumbers, peas, potatoes, courgettes, radish, lettuce, cabbage, kohl rabi, onions and beetroot  are all ready to harvest. I have frozen over two pounds of peas and there are more coming. The second sowing of peas and sugar snap peas are now showing. I am a little concerned that I might have a lettuce gap!! Time will tell.
   The chickens are still being a pain making dust bowls wherever they can find some dry soil. They have caused damage in my herb bed destroying a couple of sweet majoram plants. I have tried to get wise to them and not plant anything too close to the edge of a plot. They do seem to like the beds that have high edges. Guess they can rub their bums against the ridge!
Pair of Cauliflowers
Marketmore 76 Cucumbers
Sweetheart melo
   Tomatos inside and outside the poly tunnel are in profusion. How long before the chickens get wise? Umm, probably as soon as they start to turn red. Chickens like red apparently. Forage cabbage and beetroot for the animals has been transplanted but not as much as I would have liked but some is better than none. The sweetcorn has cobs on some of the plants and it will not be long before we are eatting that too. Today (30th June) I have dug up the first shallots sown from sets. Not a bad little crop but I think a little early. The shallot leaves had died down so they were not going to grow anymore. Maybe I will keep some of the larger ones and plant them in the autumn.
   Strawberries have been a disaster this year. I am afraid I ignored them when I should have been tending to them and now I suffer the consequences - no strawberries! Red and black currants are fat and sqeshey but they too have suffered from neglect. Note to self do better next season!
    So on we go. Lots to eat, lots to do!

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