Tuesday, 15 May 2012


   It has been a hectic week. May is a very busy time in the garden. Lots to sow, lots to plant out. So, what I have been up to besides breaking my IT!
   Outside the poly tunnel lots of planting out. Tomatoes, gourds, butternut squash, courgettes, pumpkins, kohl rabi and a few cabbage. Succession sowing of radish and carrots. I have had a failure with my early sowing of Borlotti beans and Haricot Vert and have resown. Oh, guess what? I replanted and within two days some of the oringinal sowing popped up! Not all, but one or two! I have continued to recover an old flower border and I have planted it up with borage and cosmos with a scattering of wild flower seed. Who knows what will happen but the borage needed to be planted out. I have a wonderful display of comfrey and the bees are loving it. The grass I think has running boots on as it is growing almost as fast as I cut it!
Comfrey patch
Main crop potatoes - Desiree

   Inside the poly tunnel lots going on. I have a perfect cauliflower! Three (might be four yet) out of six is not bad for cauliflowers! Lol! The F1 Celtic cabbage have finally got to a point where they could be picked. Red cabbage and Lion King (white cabbage) germinated. Succession cabbage, kohl rabi,and lettuce sowed. The calabrese and the red cabbage have germinated. I had to buy a new packet of red cabbage seed as the seed in the old packet did not germinate at all. The Cape Gooseberries continue to thrive. A pair of cucumbers planted out but one looks a little sick so I fear the worse. This year I am trying to grow celery and have just transplanted some. I have planted up two hanging baskets of Tumbler tomatoes. All in all its busy busy busy!
My poly tunnel cauliflower
Tumbler Tomato's 

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