Sunday, 20 August 2023


    My small garden has progressed! Courgettes, tomatoes (round red, pear shaped red, Jens orange, a heritage variety grown from saved seed) are all being gathered and enjoyed. There are still Paris (white round) salad onions and Touchon carrots. The cabbage planted way back is recovering from flea beetle attack and looks like I will get something. The other cabbage, which you pick the leaves and it continues to grow up is doing well and I am about to try it out. Wild black berries are in abundance in my hedge and are easy to pick and are also being enjoyed in crumbles and mixed in with stewed apple. Of course there is the continual problem of weeds particularly in the gravel! Real pain to remove but I have made the effort on the front drive which is now cleared and I am monitoring every day for weed growth! The wild flowers growing round the pound are starting to go to seed and I will let them scatter in the bed around the pond in the hope they will flower again next year. My common thyme sown in a triangle bed in the middle of the patio at the front of the house is thriving.

Thyme bed

Wild flowers round the pond

Tomatoes and courgettes
Touchon carrots

Monday, 17 July 2023


     My last post was in October 2022 just after I had moved from number 6 Champeau de Bas to number 5 Champeau de Bas. This post will bring the story of the garden in number 5 Champeau de Bas upto date and hopefully I will now regularly post a blog!

Starting to dig the veg plot 120223

Two casulites!

Plot all but done 140223

Sprouting garlic 230323


Tomatoes Courgettes 210523

Batavia lettuce 210523

1st crop! 18Jour radish

Front of house triangle bed sowed with common thyme

1st early potatoes from a pot sown by Toby 180623

Sunflower from bird seed holder!

1st tomatoes 150723