The sun has got his hat on! Hip! Hip! Hip! Horray! Well that was fine a couple of weeks ago but now not so. Water restrictions are in place and the river that runs along my property boundary is low although looking back a couple of years not was low as it was then. Still a couple of years of not enough rainfall, drying winds give cause for a water shortage. I still have water in my water butts and in my one thousand litre water container but it is getting low.
Cutting, pulling, picking, gathering, digging all being done this week. Carrots, courgettes, cucumbers, potatoes, the odd tomato, onions and lettuce. Coriander, parsnip and moss curled parsly seeds all gathered and put into little labelled bags for next year. Not only harvesting but also planting done. Plants bought from the local market, leeks and Batavia Blonde lettuce, have been planted out. A few beetroot seedlings transplanted in the poly tunnel and some moss curled parsly also spaced out in the poly tunnel. Beetroot has been a disappointment this year with very few plants managing to avoid the chickens to be planted out. The first Blacktail Mountain water melons have appeared. That is good. They have four to eight weeks to grow. I grew bush courgettes this year not really knowing what they would be like. They are producing small but very nice tasting courgettes and being a non hybrid variety a number are strange shapes!
So there we go. A busy week but hey ho as always plenty to do and the sun keeps beating on. Beer, pass the beer....