Friday, 21 April 2017

An uncertain time, take a gamble!

   At this time of year one is always trying to get ahead of the game. Unfortunately there are risks. Frost is a constant danger until the middle of May yet there are many seeds that need to be sown and the resulting plants protected from the potential frost until that time has passed. Still every day that  goes by should and I say should mean a less chance of frost. Currently the skies are clear and the frost comes every morning. The  temperature has been around zero first thing in the morning but once the sun comes up the frost is soon cleared. So far I have had only one or two plants suffer and no losses, yet. There has not been any rain for some time now and my water butts are all but empty. Time to pump water from the well.
   In the outside garden the potatoes were growing well with me earthing them up every evening and I will continue to do so for the next couple of weeks at least .The onset of the cooler weather they have stopped growing so fast.  I have transplanted Brussels Sprouts to an outside the poly tunnel bed and covered them in horticultural fleece. They are the best sprout plants I have managed to grow since being in France. 
  In the poly tunnel melons, squash and cucumbers have been sown and placed in the poly tunnel fleece cloche. My tomatoes are now outside the cloche but well covered up over night. I am cutting lettuce and pulling radish. The lettuce has been very good. Sweet peppers have been transplanted to pots along with Basque and Nigel's Green chili.
  On the animal front the female duck continues to lay and the chickens are being a menace by taking dust baths in my vegetable beds. The sheep are being sheep but soon will need to be sheared.

Ambassador peas

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Spring sunshine

   The sun has shined a lot this last week. It has been nice to wake up before dawn and wait for the dawn chorus to start before getting up. There have been a few days of frosts but every day that now goes by means less of a chance of a frosty morning. That does not mean I lower my guard! Potatoes which are now putting up shoots need to be earthed up every evening and the more tender plants like peppers, chili's and tomatoes need to be protected in the poly tunnel.
   In the outside garden more forking, more weeding, more grass mowing and a bonfire. Only a small amount of ground to fork and weed left and that is in the area where the courgettes and pumpkins will go, so not urgent! I have sowed Touchon and Long Less de Meaux carrot along  with a row of salsify. Shallots, tree onions and onion sets are growing well. There is a good show of parsnip seedlings.
   In the poly tunnel more Evesham Special Brussels sprouts transplanted along with Provence thyme, Basque chili, White sage, Moss curled parsley, Roma and Gardeners Delight tomatoes. I am now regularly pulling lettuce (Batavia) and radishes. There is Moss Curled parsley, chives and coriander that is being used in salads. Lemon, Lettuce leaf and sweet Genovese basil has been sown, hopefully not too late.
  On the animal front the female mallard Indian runner duck is laying a lovely duck egg blue egg every day. The sheep look like they need shearing and the chickens, well, are being chickens. We have had a campaign against the rat population in the chicken coop and have killed at least six of which three were mature adults.
  So lots done, lots still to do. It never ends. LOL!

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

The pace quickens even more.

   What can I say? The pace in the garden just gets faster and faster at this time of year. The grass almost needs cutting twice a week! 
   In the poly tunnel I am pulling lettuce and radish as required. So far demand has not outstripped supply! It will at some point I am sure. Yet more radish sown.  I have sown a row of cauliflower seed given to me by my youngest grand daughter Evie. They are white and purple, yes purple, cauliflower. Should be interesting!. As an unusual sowing I have sown woad and have plans to make a woad bed next to my comfrey. The last of the over winter beetroot has been dug up and cooked. Tomato plants in pots are growing happily in the poly tunnel fleece along with Brussels Spouts, summer cabbage, spring onions, beetroot and white sage! Up in the house I have various varieties of sweet pepper and a couple of chilies growing slowly but surely.
   In the outside garden the potatoes are starting to show. I now need to go round the beds each day and cover up with soil any that pop up their heads. I have sown a main crop pea,variety Ambassador and I was disappointed to find that I did not  have any sugar snap peas! Need to find some quick! First lot of lettuce planted outside and covered with a cloche. I am still forking and weeding but there is less than there was!
  On the animal side the main chicken coop and duck coops have been cleaned out. The duck pond has been emptied and refilled and made just as dirty by the ducks by the time I had left the paddock! The sheep are being sheep and it will soon be time to sing the sheep shearing song again.

Row of Ambassador peas