The weather continues to be wet and chilly with some morning frosts. Still pretty mild though compared to this time last year! -20C it was last February.
Another picking of sprouts. I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of sprouts I have picked from the plants that were planted late in the season. Note to self. When I see the plants in the market, buy them and plant them. I have weeded and hand forked my herb beds. The herbs are starting to grow and it is time to take cuttings if I want more or replacement plants. I have six rosemary cuttings in the poly tunnel and I hope to get one or two plants from those. The chives are showing signs of growing and the horse radish looks "alive".
I have sown a pot of early leeks. The idea here is to have leeks from late summer and then continue through the winter with the later and more frost resistant varieties. Thought comes to mind - plans of mice and men....
Three varieties of onions and one pot of leeks! |
I have given in to temptation and sown some tomato seed. Moneymaker, Roma and Coeur de Bouef. I will sow the more unusual ones that I have this year in another week or so. I have transplanted a few Pak Choi to be used as "leaves" and I have some lettuce plants growing but they are looking a little weedy. Still they may yet turn around.
With the ground still being pretty much unworkable (peas, broad beans, spinach, garlic, spring onions all growing away, chou milan, leeks, beetroot, celeriac all still being harvested along with a few small but very welcome late sown carrots) I have instead been looking at my front drive and excavating to find the cobble drive way. I have been able to do this because the ground is so wet I can dig and scrape away the gravel, mud and weeds to expose the cobbles. The drive is uneven but I do like the look of the cobbles. The picture shows but a small area. Lots to uncover yet!
Exposed cobbles |
As always there is lots to do. Another couple of weeks and I will planting onion sets and shallots! Then the work in the garden gets really busy! Grass cutting is on the horizon.